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  • Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
  • For the Temporary Symptomatic Relief of the Symptoms of Acidity: Gastric Upset, Indigestion
This remedy is a natural combination of homeopathic biochemic tissue salts useful for the relief of general acidity symptoms. Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica in combination are useful in alleviating the common acidity symptoms of dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion.

Tissue C contains the following: Nat Phos for the relief of symptoms of sour eructations (burping) and acidity in stomach. Nat Sulph for the relief of symptoms of acid dyspepsia with heartburn and flatulence. Silica for relief of the symptoms of acidity in stomach and sour eructations.

Hyland's, 胃部緩釋片無痕褲125片



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